Technical acetone 2L
Technical acetone thinner is a proven agent for dissolving fats, oils, resins, waxes and nitrocellulose. It is also used to degrease surfaces before painting.
Technical acetone thinner is a proven agent for dissolving fats, oils, resins, waxes and nitrocellulose. It is also used to degrease surfaces before painting.
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Technical acetone thinner is a proven agent for dissolving fats, oils, resins, waxes and nitrocellulose. It is also used to degrease surfaces before painting.
- Technical acetone is a practical agent for degreasing surfaces.
- It can also be used as a solvent for grease and wax.
- It will be useful for cleaning surfaces before painting and gluing.
- You will also use it to dilute nitrocellulose products and to clean brushes and other tools.
- It dissolves most soft plastics, varnishes, fats, oils and wax.
- It mixes in any proportion with water, ethanol, ethers and other ketones.
- It is used in the production of medicines, dyes, paints, varnishes and cleaners
- Technical acetone is an ingredient in nail polish remover
- It is used to remove adhesives and wash off paints
- It is used as a reagent in photography